The chosen theme for this conference is „Human & Nature in Dramatherapy“.
We are living in times of dramatic extremes that force us to re-examine our relationships to nature – our own and the planet that we share. The Covid-19 pandemic brought out our instincts for survival, self-preservation, but also collaboration and concern for each other. Yet, war and starvation remains a constant threat and a terrible reality for many. We worry about how the climate on our planet is changing while we see the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and deepening inequalities. On the one hand, we are open to diversity, on the other – we are becoming more and more radical.
What is happening to us humans, to the nature and naturalness of humanity? Are we and can we be in touch with our inner nature? Is our inner human nature naturally good?
Do I still hear my inner voice? Can social media and news change that? Am I still natural? May I be myself? Can I, and if so, how can I influence my nature and the nature around me? Will human nature and abilities still be valuable in the age of artificial intelligence? We know from history that those who can adapt – survive. However, how far can we adapt before we lose ourselves?
How are these many questions and concerns expressed in the theory and practice of dramatherapy and within our community? We will look for answers at the conference – by sharing ideas and insights in workshops, lectures and performances, staying curious throughout the whole program and perhaps inspiring each other for new questions through informal conversations.
Let’s awaken and acknowledge our inner and external resources to find our own approach and vision that each of us needs right now! Let’s look into the depths of our mind, body and soul, where real nature lives, and try to understand how to integrate this nature into our rapid and unpredictable everyday life, so that it helps not only to survive, but also to live fully!
We want to look at our nature from all possible points of view and what we can do with it as dramatherapists.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by this e-mail:
Best regards,
Latvian Dramatherapy Association / EFD in collaboration with WADth